The importance of security in digital media

5 min. reading
5G Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybersecurity / 2 December, 2020
The importance of security in digital media

Alfonso Gómez CEO BBVA in Switzerland

Cyber Security, password, internet Security, secure payment have become in recent years concepts that are increasingly used in all areas since technology in interaction from both a professional and personal point of view is undoubtedly already the common element that has gradually been integrated into our daily basis and in recent months as a result of the situation generated at the Global level as a result of COVID 19 is even more extensive. Connectivity or rather multi connectivity are part of our reality in all environments.

It is clear that technological innovation moves at an absolutely huge speed, we are approaching new ways of doing business and also new ways of social interaction that also have implications when it comes to analyzing what our protection should be in all possible spectra.

It is inevitable to be able to conceptualize the importance of digital security to analyze the digital world with data and thus become collectively aware of the criticality of moving in digital environments and at the same time reliable; in the world there is a total population of 7,676 million people and we know that there are 5,112 million users with mobile phones; additionally 4,300 million are internet users, that is, 57% of the world population with a total of almost 3,500 million active users in social networks, which implies a 45% penetration in this area; it is perhaps even more relevant, not to analyze the figures as such and if their growth; mobile users grow at rates of more than 100 million every year, double-digit internet users year after year and what is even more shocking new members of social networks at rates of 10%, having a direct impact on those people who access these channels through mobile.

With this data; can we consider that the world is truly digitized? What implications does it have for our behavior in terms of consumption? The data also endorse that our guidelines for acting as consumers are changing significantly, the latest study available being pre-covid, reflects a growth of 3.1%, the penetration of online consumer goods over the total population is almost 40%, and the projections point to significant growth as a consequence of the effect of the pandemic, which is implicitly a catalyst in this growth in the digital sphere.

Analyzing these data as well as its evolution, it is easy to conclude that we clearly tend towards a totally digitized world, where today we can still see asymmetries from a Global point of view, but clearly they tend to converge in a not very long space of time.

Put in context, it is very important to introduce Cybersecurity in our lives with absolute determination because only in this way can we guarantee our protection both in the professional and personal fields; we are approaching a world where the value of DATA is even more powerful and avoiding vulnerable systems or procedures are increasingly important nowadays.

The investment in Cyber security in recent years has been very important, but we can say without any mistake that the result of trends will be even more so, especially in the next 5 years. It is critical that governments and the business world develop methodologies that raise the threshold of sensitivity in different areas. On the one hand, there is clearly educational work where citizens must know the importance of protecting themselves on the Internet and what their lines of action should be that guarantee to avoid unwanted situations carried out by hackers, this responsibility in terms of individual protection must also be made available of society so that the decentralization of our digital operations, which is inevitable, has good levels of natural protection.

It is very important to focus society on the protection of the systems it uses from governments and to have a very good capacity to proactively detect and respond to potential incidents.

There are reports that quantify the costs of this network breach at 1% of GDP, which is extremely relevant.

At present, there are clearly cyber criminal attacks on the networks and therefore the specialists who have become our protectors fundamentally in the business field are gaining more and more importance; The mission of the CISO, (Chief Information Security Officer) is fundamental today to maintain the integrity of the companies that are in the network and that are as we have seen practically all.

In the coming years, the traditional hacker will continue to be a threat, but it is expected that supranational organizations will be erected with greater force to protect nations, although experts also consider that artificial intelligence as well as machine learning will play key roles both on the defense side as well as on the vulnerability side.

Another area that will be very interesting and that implies a certain weakness will be the “internet of things” (Internet of Things, IOT); They are systems that were originally born without much sophistication and that in a great majority are connected to our private networks with all that this implies; Ultimately, everything points to the fact that in the coming years we will most likely continue to see potential vulnerabilities in data privacy, where if we do not act with caution, these risks may be evident; It is therefore very likely that individual attacks and attempts to impersonate our identities will continue.

In short, the Society, the Companies, the large Corporations are increasingly oriented to this necessary protection, for the benefit of their clients, but it is still absolutely critical that all of us who are protagonists of the new model act in order to guarantee the highest standards for the benefit of all of us who make up a new world if possible even more interconnected than ever.