New Gen

The healthcare industry: a source of investment opportunities

The healthcare industry: a source of investment opportunities

Currently, healthcare industries account for between 10% and 15% of global GDP in advanced economies, a percentage that is expected to increase in the coming decades.

Investing in medical technologies is investing in the future

Investing in medical technologies is investing in the future

Investments drive technology and this is important in the healthcare industry not only for the development of novel tools, but also for the benefits they bring hand in hand, such as increasing access to healthcare or increasing people's life expectancy and quality of life.

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in medical cannabis

Advantages and disadvantages of investing in medical cannabis

Is investing in medical cannabis a good idea? Let's explore some of the pros and cons of investing in medical cannabis, so you can decide if it's the right option for you.

The advantages that the increase in cybersecurity has brought and what is to come

The advantages that the increase in cybersecurity has brought and what is to come

Network security continues to gain importance in all industries after experiencing an increase in cybercrime. That is why here we bring you the benefits of a good cybersecurity plan for companies and users.

The potential of the veganism industry

The potential of the veganism industry

Veganism has gained special relevance during the last few years; global sales of vegetable meat increased 24% in 2020, reaching 4.2 billion dollars. Meanwhile, sales of plant-based milks grew 4% and reached 16.9 billion dollars.

Advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing

Advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing

Mass production presents a variety of challenges for society in the 21st century, both in terms of the relationship with the well-being of the environment and with the sustainability of the supply chain in relation to the demands of consumers: the world's population is growing every day and, with it, their needs for products and services.

The rise of the synthetic meat industry

The rise of the synthetic meat industry

Global sales of plant-based meat increased 24% in 2020 reaching $4.2 billion. One factor that could influence such an upturn is that 25% of Americans between 25 and 34 years old claim to be vegetarians or vegans.

Benefits of shared mobility for the environment

Benefits of shared mobility for the environment

Shared mobility offers multiple benefits for both the environment and day-to-day urban life, and is emerging as an investment trend for the future.

Advantages of technology as a way to facilitate tourism

Advantages of technology as a way to facilitate tourism

Applying technological advances to developing industries has achieved a boost in them. The use of mobile phones, the internet of things, voice assistants and augmented reality are just some of the new technologies that have been adapted to this industry. What are the benefits it brings to the industry?

Did you know that your pet can make you a lot of money?

Did you know that your pet can make you a lot of money?

One key to the pet care industry is that it remains stable even in times of crisis; that is, if a pet gets sick, it will be taken care of in the best possible way, regardless of the economic situation.

Understanding the socially responsible investing

Understanding the socially responsible investing

It's no secret that socially responsible investing now occupies centre stage amongst investors and asset managers. How can we implement socially responsible investing processes?

Discover the 10 keys to good health

Discover the 10 keys to good health

According to medical experts, the key to good health lies in a balanced life, with appropriate eating habits, sufficient rest, and regular exercise to counteract the sedentary lifestyle so prevalent in modern societies.

Main types of energy storage

Main types of energy storage

Our world is in a transition from fossil fuels to renewable and clean energies, so an improvement in electrical energy storage is of vital importance to support these technologies.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud storage

In 2020, the cloud storage market grew by $30 billion and, with a solid 10% annual increase, it is one of the main current investment trends. We tell you about its advantages and disadvantages in this article.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day

5th June is World Environment Day. A day on which the United Nations reminds us of the need to protect the environment. This year the slogan is “Beat plastic pollution” along with “Remember, if you can’t reuse it, refuse it”.  At BBVA Switzerland, we have put this slogan into practice and introduced new office habits.

The 3D printing industry, a growing sector

The 3D printing industry, a growing sector

Although it still sounds novel today, the truth is that the 3D printing industry has been developing for some time and is apparently reaching a certain boom period in the wake of the pandemic.

The energy storage revolution

The energy storage revolution

Lithium batteries are predicted to be the future of storage since this element has a high electrochemical potential and can accumulate large amounts of energy.

Increase of spectators in eSports tournaments around the world

Increase of spectators in eSports tournaments around the world

The video game industry continues to rise and hand in hand, the popularity of eSports follows the same path.

Clean energy industry grows

Clean energy industry grows

Expected investments for 2030 are around one trillion dollars; however, lower installation costs indicate that future investments could be higher than expected.

Advantages and disadvantages of Fintech companies

Advantages and disadvantages of Fintech companies

Financial technology companies or Fintech, for its acronym in English, are entities dedicated to providing the full range of financial services usually offered by traditional banking, only with the differentiator that technology is used to make these services more efficient and accessible products.

Meet the Ether cryptocurrency, what differences and similarities does it have with Bitcoin?

Meet the Ether cryptocurrency, what differences and similarities does it have with Bitcoin?

Among the wide mosaic of cryptocurrencies existing today, Ether (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) are the undisputed leaders of the crypto world for several reasons that have made them the leading players in this new market and the favorites of investors. Let's learn a little more about these cryptocurrencies.

Growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry

Growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) industry

The global IoT market will reach a revenue value of up to $1.1 trillion by 2024, which mentions that much of the growth will come from wearables.

Ethereum and smart contracts. What do they bring?

Ethereum and smart contracts. What do they bring?

Vitalik Buterin designed the Ethereum platform based on blockchain technology, which means that it is also an open source and decentralized ledger just like Bitcoin, but with the intention of going beyond what the original cryptocurrency has established.

Gray biotechnology: a smart investment in our environment

Gray biotechnology: a smart investment in our environment

Learn what it is and how to invest in gray biotechnology, an innovative and lucrative way to conserve the environment.

The potential of the autonomous vehicle industry

The potential of the autonomous vehicle industry

Throughout its history, the automotive industry has proven to be one of the most dynamic, adapting to the needs of each era. Looking to the future, this industry is not lagging and maintains its bet on what seems to be the next step, that is, the development of autonomous vehicles.

The importance of the 5G network

The importance of the 5G network

All the great technological changes in history did not remain stagnant or reserved in their respective areas of knowledge, but transcended and disrupted all aspects of life, profoundly transforming everyday social life.

Advantages and disadvantages of Big Data

Advantages and disadvantages of Big Data

Big Data refers to the accumulation of an enormous amount of data for study. This sounds simple but the large volume of data that is generated minute by minute is what has made Big Data more than just a set of statistical techniques and digital tools for its study.

The potential of the Robotics industry

The potential of the Robotics industry

It would be wrong to say that robotics is a new sector in its exploration, so much so that since the late 70's, robots have been incorporated, firstly, in the automotive industry, and since then to date, the applications of robotics and the sectors where it is used have multiplied.